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  • Michał Żmijewski

    • Barrister

    Specializes in

    • Business 
    • E-Commerce 
    • Data protection


    • English


    • As part of his professional practice, he handles ongoing legal services for entities in the IT and marketing sectors, specializing in drafting and reviewing contracts related to business activities.
    • Has extensive experience representing clients in court proceedings, including those involving commercial law, consumer protection law, and copyright law.
    • Co-author of numerous publications on data protection, e-commerce, and consumer law. Additionally, he lectures on commercial law in Polish-French MBA programs in management.
    • Involved in several data protection and TMT projects.
    • Awarded by the Ministry of Education for the best master thesis in IP law.


    • Law graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Lodz. 

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